The beginning of a New Year is the best time to de-stress, de-clutter and get your personal affairs in order for the year ahead.
Why make a Will?
Making a Will is one of those things that everyone knows they need to do but often it’s put off to ‘another day’. Having a valid Will means that your affairs are safely organised and your loved ones are protected, keeping you in control and making sure that your assets go where you want them to.
It doesn’t take long for us to make your Will and we charge a fixed fee of £80+vat for a single Will and £150+vat for a joint Will. You will be talked through the process by a Solicitor and only needs you to have an initial talk with us and we do the rest, preparing your Will quickly and letting you know when it is ready to be signed. We can see you after hours to suit you and often the appointment doesn’t take up much of your time. Most clients wonder why they have been putting it off so long.
As well as your Will might be to think about what you would do if you weren’t able to manage your own affairs. More often than not there comes a time when most people are either physically unable to get out and about to look after their finances, or become mentally incapable of doing so. This leaves a legal headache for your loved ones as they try to sort out your affairs for you, but face difficulties if they don’t have a Power of Attorney to let them officially act for you. Without an LPA this can mean an Application to the Court of protection which is very costly and time consuming.
Why make a Last Power of Attorney (LPA)
Making a Lasting Power of Attorney allows you to appoint the people (or person) that you would like to help you in this circumstances and means that you have the peace of mind knowing that you have put in place a solid legal arrangement should you become unable to manage your own affairs. At Burd Ward we can prepare your Lasting Power of Attorney(LPA) for a fixed fee £350+vat. The LPA does need to be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian who charge £110. You may be exempt from that payment depending on your income which we can also advise and assist you with.
How much does it costs?
Until the end of February 2017 we are offering a special package to have both your LPA and Will drawn up for a fixed cost of £350+VAT or £650+VAT for a couple. If you would like to start 2017 putting your affairs in order then please contact our Solicitor Victoria Syvret at our office on 0151 639 8273 or by email to arrange your appointment. It won’t take long and we will be able to take all the details we need for both your Will and LPA during our meeting. We can offer appointments to suit you, including after work hours.
To take advantage of the special prices please quote WILLS2017 when you contact us.