Are you facing an anti-social behaviour injunction or possession proceedings?

Paula Suckley - Housing SolicitorIf you are being accused of causing a nuisance or have engaged in behaviour which is considered to be anti-social, then it may be claimed that you have breached the terms of your tenancy.

If this is the case then your landlord may seek either an anti-social behaviour injunction or a possession order.

If your landlord takes court action then you have the right to defend yourself. This will involve you providing the court with a full defence explaining the situation.

Burd Ward Solicitors can assist you throughout the process and if necessary represent you at the court. If there is a breach of your tenancy agreement but the court considers that no further breaches will take place, then the court may be willing to order a suspended possession order.

This will allow you to remain in your home so long as you abide by the terms of the order, for example, not to engage in anti- social behaviour.

It can be easy to simply ignore all of the letters and court papers coming through your door, however this will only make the situation worse.

Burd Ward is one of the very few local legal firms that deal with housing matters and claims for possession or warrants of eviction.

Burd Ward has the benefit of the legal aid franchise and act as duty solicitor at Birkenhead County Court.

Burd Ward’s expert solicitor Paula Suckley (pictured) specialises in housing law and has more than 20 years of experience in dealing with housing issues. She said: “It is in our experience that the earlier you seek advice then the more chance you have of obtaining a positive result.”

Paula would be happy to advise and assist you to keep your home. Don’t bury your head in the sand, let Paula help save your home. Our offices are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, further appointments on Thursdays to 6.30pm. Contact Paula Suckley by emailing or phone 0151 639 8273.

Posted on February 8th, 2016 by Burd Ward